The more you use your lawn mower, the duller the blade will become. Luckily, sharpening a mower blade isn’t a very difficult process, though doing it safely requires that you follow a particular set of steps. That’s why the experts at Northwest Parts and Equipment have created this lawn mower blade sharpening guide. 

Safely Remove the Blade

The last thing you want is for the mower’s engine to start while you’re removing the blade. You may even want to remove the spark plug before you start, just to be sure. We recommend marking the bottom of the blade with a dab of paint or a piece of tape before you remove it. This will make putting the blade back in much easier. Once you’re confident that the engine is off, tilt the mower on its side with the carburetor facing up. Place a 2x4 between the blade and the lawn mower deck's skirt. This will help the blade resist the board when you take the bolt off. Finally, unscrew the bolt using a breaker bar or long-handle wrench and remove the blade. 

Inspect the Condition of the Blade

Once you have completely removed the blade, you can start to inspect it. For this step, it's helpful to have a spare mower blade on hand. The spare blade can act as a reference point as to the condition of your current mower blade. If the current blade is too worn, you can simply replace it with the spare blade. 

Ideally, your blade’s cutting edge should be straight and its trailering edge should be thick. If you think that either appears worn out, it’s time to replace the blade. Also, check that the cutting edge is free of dents and chips. 

Sharpen the Blade

For this step, you will need a sharpening file that is at least ten inches in length. Start your strokes at the top of the blade’s cutting edge and push downward in one firm, smooth movement. Do this twenty to thirty times before comparing the mower blade to your spare blade to see if further sharpening is required. 

Balance the Lawn Mower Blade

Finally, balance your lawn mower blade by putting a nail in a board and setting the blade’s bolt hold on the nail. If the blade tips to one side of the other, file that side down. Be patient and only file a little at a time. 

For more information or to view our inventory of lawn mowers for sale, visit Northwest Parts and Equipment. Our dealership in Columbia Falls, Montana offers convenient access to communities like Kalispell and White Fish, Montana. We also offer financing, rentals, servicing, and parts ordering.